Great success at the Youth Alliance Greater Manchester Hustings

The Youth Alliance Greater Manchester was please to host the #GMYouthHustings this year, with attendance from over 50 young people.
There was representation from across Greater Manchester with young people asking some great questions, focusing on crime, mental health, lack of investment in Youth/Play Work and much more.
As well as asking questions, Youth Alliance GM provided the space and opportunity for young people to meet and talk with some of the Mayoral Candidates after the Q&A session which was really engaging.

The three candidates that attended provided their long-term commitments to young people and youth services and Youth Alliance GM hope that the GM Youth Hustings is the start of the journey of involvement, welcoming working with the next Mayor after the 2nd of May.
Youth Alliance GM is an informal partnership of over 140 organisations and groups supporting children and young people across Greater Manchester.
Youth Alliance GM’s aim is to strengthen youth voice across Greater Manchester and they aim to hold more events like this in the future. The organisation want to ensure young people have every opportunity to make change for themselves and their peers.
Alex Fairweather, Chief Executive of GMYN, says: “It was fantastic to help run this event with GMYN as part of Youth Alliance GM. It was a great night with loads of really good questions, all led by young people.
“The young people asked some critical questions to the three mayoral candidates that attended, focussing on crime, mental health, lack of investment in Youth/Play Work and much more.”
For more information on the youth hustings and Youth Alliance GM, please see their website here.
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