Our approach

GMYN believes all young people deserve access to positive experiences.

Our innovative services offer exciting opportunities and support that young people cannot access elsewhere.

Our young person-centred approach provides a flexible support offer so young people can opt to participate when needed. Young people receive tailored support to meet their short and long-term needs.

We embed ourselves in local communities and work alongside the local authority, social workers, carers, partner organisations and schools to ensure cohesive, joined-up support. 

“GMYN has turned my life around. If it weren’t for them, I don’t know where I’d be right now –they are like my family”

Young person – Manchester care leavers programme

We bridge a gap between young people and where they could be. This is through helping them build key life skills, increasing their confidence, improving their mental health and wellbeing and building a support network.  Once these essential foundations are in place, young people have greater stability and can start to look to the future. 

How do we do it?

We ask each young person what it is they want to do!

They choose their activities and what they want to get involved in. This means we can be flexible, youth-led and responsive.

GMYN delivers various programmes and services which provide many different supportive offers. Our weekly development and drop-in activities include: 

  • Independent life skills workshops (cooking, budgeting, team building, social skills)
  • Wellbeing / mental health activities (walking, gardening, volunteering, arts & crafts, sport, social activities)
  • Work readiness sessions (CV writing, interviewing, work experience) 
  • Social action and volunteering, connecting young people with platforms to have a say and influence decisions on issues that matter to them
  • One-to-one support to meet the needs of individuals by exploring issues and barriers, providing individualised emotional support and setting goals to work towards

GMYN Theory Of Change

Here is a visual representation of GMYN’s theory of change, which explains how we believe our work will create positive change for young people.

Stay up to date

A day in the life of GMYN’s Income and Partnerships Lead

Phil gives a glimpse of the varied and rewarding work he does as GMYN's Income and Partnerships Lead

Our Big Give Christmas Campaign is now live! 

Take a look to see how you can support our Big Give Christmas Campaign

“I really believe in helping young people” Brad speaks about working at GMYN 

Brad tells us why he enjoys working for GMYN and what he's learnt supporting young people

Thank you to our funders

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