Team Visioning Day

Earlier this month GMYN hosted our first ever Team Visioning Day at Grub in Manchester.
Staff, sessional workers, trustees and team members from High-Rise Communications came together to reflect on the history of Greater Manchester Youth Network. We shared stories of our own experiences, discussing our personal routes into the youth work sector, as well as the impact we have helped create whilst working at GMYN.

Alex – our CEO – spoke through the history of GMYN as an organisation since our formation in 2007.
“I’m biased because I love a good story, especially when it’s relating to a history or timeline! It was lovely listening to Alex and the journey he and GMYN have been on since the beginning of the organisation!“
Feedback from attendees about the day
Fiona – our Head of Delivery – shared the newly revised Theory of Change, which sets out the current context of GMYN’s work. You can view the full TOC below:

Luke – our SEND Programme Lead – delivered a skills share activity, which helped develop our understanding of supporting young people with special educational needs and disabilities across our range of programmes.
Quina – our Youth Participation Lead – provided an overview of GMYN’s Youth Voice work and we explored plans to develop our youth led work in the future.
Joe – our Programmes Manager – explained GMYN’s Social Prescribing work, sharing reflections and feedback from the young people we have supported.
“I liked hearing about this, especially since working on the BeWell project – it solidified my understanding of the project and GMYN’s wider social prescribing delivery work. It was great hearing feedback and quotes from the young people.“
Feedback from attendees about the day
Overall, the day proved to be a huge success – a massive thank you goes out to everyone who was able to attend!
#YoungPeopleCan #TeamGMYN
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